Welcome to Term 2. For our first Term 2 blog we are discussing old songs re-done by newer artists. In all genres of music bands and artists often will cover the song of another artist. Examples of this are Brittany Spears's cover of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' "I Love Rock n Roll," Madonna's cover of Don McLean's American Pie or Maroon 5's cover of the old jazz standard "The Way You Look Tonight." Performing another artist's song in a new way is common place in music.
In this week's blog we will examing two songs, the original version and it's modern rebirth. The song that we will be looking at is "I Want You Back" originally performed by the Jackson 5 (featuring a very young Michael Jackson) but recently re-done by Colbie Caillat
Jackson 5
Colbie Caillat
Click to listen
Please listen to the tracks and answer the following questions for each
1. Name the artist and the song name.
2. List the instruments you
3. Is it a solo, duet, small group or large group?
4. What does this
song remind you of? (Sights, sounds, smells, etc.)
5. What is this song
about? Please listen to the lyrics and give a brief summary detailing the song's
6a) Do you like this song?
6b) Please give a musical reason why or
why not?
7. Please compare and contrast these two songs. What aspects are
similar? What aspects are different?
6A). YES
Under the link for Jackson Five's version of " I Want You Back" there is a link for Colbie Caillat's version. Please make sure you read the directions more carefully
Delete1) I Want You Back by Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2) The instruments I hear drums, cymbals, piano, trombone, vocals, bass guitar, maracas...
3) This sing sounds like it is sang by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of the show "Soul Train," and how there are groups and singers performing.
5) This song is about how a guy didn't care much for his girl, and now when he lost her, he realizes that he can't really live without her and how he wants her back and try again.
6a) Yes, I like this song!
6b)I like this song because you can hear a variety of instruments and I like how this song has a quite slow tempo but how it is also upbeat.
1) I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2) The instruments I hear are piano, vocals, guitar.
3) I think this song is sang by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of how people sing songs in recording studios by other artists for practice before they record a song. This song puts a picture in my head of a person trying to say and explain something to the person they love, face to face but in a song.
5) This song is about a girl who treated her guy wrong and now when she lost him, she realizes that she actually cares and loves that person and wants him back.
6a) Yes, I like this song and this version.
6b) I like the way this song was put together because is still has certain parts of the song that reflect the original but it still has a twist. This song is getting closer to being A capella which I like. This song has a way slower tempo than the original.
7)** This two songs have instruments like piano and vocals in common. The tempo of both songs are quite similar because both of them are not so fast. The rhythm for both songs are quite similar because they both follow a beat throughout the whole song.
What's different is the pitch in both songs. In the original one, parts tend to be low then high, while in the Colbie Caillat one, it was mostly at the same pitch throughout the whole song. Another thing that was different about these two different versions was the fact that there was a lot more instruments that can be heard in the original.
1. I Want You Back- Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. The instruments I hear are bass guitar, drums, trombone, piano, and voices.
3. It was sang by a small group.
4. This song reminds me of people partying all night and my dad singing to it.
5. This song is about a boy who treated a girl wrong but he realized he cared about her. But know he can't look at her anymore. Now, he wants the girl back.
6a. Yes, I like this song.
6b. I like this song because of the beat. Also, I can understand the lyrics not like the other songs.
1. I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2.The instruments I hear are bass guitar, piano, drums, and voices.
3. This song is sang by a small group.
4. This song reminds me of background song of drama series.
5. The song is about a girl who didn't care about a boy now she realized she wants him back but she can't.
6a. I like this song too.
6b. I like it because its not too slow nor too fast. Also, I like it because I understand the lyrics more than the one sang by Jackson 5.
7. The two songs were alike because they used the same instruments, lyrics, and I both like these two version.
The two songs were different because of the beat. Also, Jackson 5's voice has more energy to it. While, Colbie has softer voice.
1. I Want You Back- Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. The instruments I hear in this song are bass guitar, drums, trombone, piano, and voice.
3. I think it's by a small group.
4. This song sounds like a lot of people gathered having a fun time.
5. This song is about a boy who treated a girl wrongly but he realized he cared about her in the end, and he also realizes he wants her back.
6a. Yes, I like this song.
6b. I like this song because of the beat, lyrics, and melody
1. I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2.The instruments I hear are bass guitar, piano, drums, and voices.
3. This song is sang by a small group of people.
4. This song reminds me of a movie I watched a while ago.
5. The song is about a girl who didn't care about this guy,and now she is realizing she wants him back but she can't.
6a. I like this song also.
6b. I like it because its a slow and peaceful song, and the message is very clear and understanding.
7. The two songs were alike because they used the same instruments, lyrics, and message theme.
The two songs were different because of the beat, also the Jackson 5's were more of an upbeat tempo, where as Colbie Callait was more of a softer song, with a slower melody.
- Raeesa.M 9-06
1) I Want You Back by Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2) The instruments I hear in this song are bass guitar, drums, trombone, piano, and peoples voice.
3) This song is performed by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of people having fun in a party singing along and dancing in the music.
5) This song is about a boy who treated the girl very bad but after of what he done to the girl he realizes that he wants her back in his life.
6a) Yes I really like this song.
6b) I like this song because of the beat, melody, the instruments that is played, and thew meaning of the lyrics. Also this song is really catchy and the song makes you feel u want to dance to the music.
1. I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2. The instruments I hear are bass guitar, piano, drums, and voices.
3. The song is still performed by a small group.
4. the tune and the song reminds me or a love music video because of the lyrics and the beat of the song. It also reminds me that this song is happening in a park .
5)This song is about a girl who treated the guy very bad but after of what she done to the guy she realizes that she wants him back in her life.
6a) Yes I really like this song.
6b) I like this song because of the lyrics. the beat is really slow thAan the real version which is ok. Also the melody of this song is really nice because it is really calm which is good for relaxing.
7)The 2 songs were really alike because some of the instrument were used the same and the lyrics of the song were the same and also the message so it was the same . It was also the same because it was performed by a small group and the singer was only one but alos catchy.
The 2 songs were different because of the melody and the beat of the song. It was different because the second version was really soft and slow while the original one is fast that u want to dance with it
1) I Want You Back- Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2) The instruments I heard in this song were bass guitars, drums, a piano, and voices.
3) This song was sang by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of old people grooving and the movie Daddy's Daycare.
5) This song is about a guy that had a cool girlfriend, but he didn't realize it until she was gone. Now he wants her back.
6a) No, I do not like this song.
6b) I do not like this song because I don't 'feel' it. Like the beat isn't as smooth as others.
1) I Want You Back - Colbie Caillat
2)The instruments I heard were bass guitars, a piano, and voices.
3) This song is sang by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of the same thing.
5) The song is about a girl who didn't want this boy, but now she realized she wants him back, but she can't because when something is gone then it is gone.
6a) I don't like this song
6b) I do not like this song because I still do not 'feel' the beat.
7) The two songs were alike because they both had the same lyrics, and beat. However, I would prefer Colbie Caillat's version because it is more slower and soothing compared to Jackson 5
Mary Duong 9-05
1) I Want You Back by Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2) The instruments I hear are vocals, drums, trombone, piano, bass guitar, and cymbals.
3) This song is sung by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of people just having a good time and enjoying one another's company and dancing along to the song.
5) This song is about a guy and his realization of how lovely this certain girl really was. However, he had already let her go. He wanted her back.
6a) Yes, I like this song!
6b) I really like this song because of its medium tempo. It is not too fast, but it is still a dance worthy song. You can hear the instruments clearly. Overall it has catchy lyrics and I really like Jackson 5.
1) I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2) The instruments I hear are vocals, guitar and piano.
3) This song is sung by a small group.
4) This song reminds me more of a calm scenario. I can just imagine, if there was a music video, she would be walking down the park, and everything reminds her of a certain person.
5) I think this song has the same meaning to it. It is most likely about a girl mistreating a guy and coming to a realization that he was truly lovely and she needed him back.
6a) Yes, I like this song!
6b) I really like this song because it is rather calm than dance worthy. The original song is more upbeat where as this version is much more soothing. However I love both versions. I also noticed that there are less instruments played in this version compared to the original. This song has a medium slow tempo. Same catchy lyrics and tune. I really like Colbie Caillat as well.
7) These two songs have some of the similar instruments such as vocals of course, piano and guitar. They have quite similar beat, tune and of course lyrics. However, Colbie's version was much rather calm. The original had a variety of pitches where as Colbie's was more of the same pitch the entire song. I like both of these artists.
Hannah Magnaye 9-05
1.I Want You Back-Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2.I heard piano,drums,vocals,and cymbals
3.It was sung by a small group
4.This song reminds me of a fun party
5.This song was about a boy who let go a girl,and after he wants her back again.
6.a)Yes,I like this song
b)I like this song because of its wonderful beat,and
the play of the instruments and words are clear.
1.I want You Back-Colbie Caillat
2.I heard piano and vocal
3.This song was sung by solo.
4.It reminds me of two lovers grooving.
5.This one is kind of opposite.The girl wants the boy back.
6.a)I like this song
b)I like this song because of the tune, the sound of
the piano;it was more fascinating.
7.They both have the two same instruments;piano and vocal,but Colbie Caillat's version is more groovy and modern while Jackson 5's version is kinda slow.
Alexiss Gutierrez
1.I Want You Back-Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2.The instruments I heard in this song were bass guitars, drums, a piano, and voices.
3.It was sung by a small group
4.This song reminds me of a fun party
5.girl who gets jealous (though she denies it) when she sees her ex-boyfriend has moved on to another girl.
6.a)Yes,I like this song
b)I like this song because of its wonderful beat,and
the play of the instruments and words are clear.
1.I want You Back-Colbie Caillat
2.I heard piano and vocal
3.This song was sung by solo.
4.It reminds me of two lovers grooving.
5.This one is kind of opposite.The girl wants the boy back.
6.a)I like this song
b)I like this song because of the tune, the sound of
the piano;it was more fascinating.
7.They both have the two same instruments;piano and vocal,but Colbie Caillat's version is more groovy and modern while Jackson 5's version is kinda slow.
1.I want you back-Jackson 5.
ReplyDelete2.The instruments I heard were bass guitar, drums, piano, and voices.
3.It was sang by a small group.
4.This songs reminds me of the song my grandma used to play when I was little.
5.It was about a boy who has beautiful girlfriend and he let it go now he wants the girl back because he realize how much he love it.
6.a)I dont like this song.
6.b)I dont like this song because this is not the type of song i like and its not catchy for me.
1.I want you back-Colbie Caillat
2.The instruments here are bass guitar, piano, and voices.
3.It was sang by a solo.
4.It reminds me of a background music in a drama sereies.
5.It was about a girl who didnt care about a guy and she let it go now he wants the guy back.
6.a)I like this song.
6.b)I like this song because it was slow and peaceful.
7.The two songs are alike because the instruments that were used are almost the same. It also have same lyric and message.The difference of these two songs were Jackson 5 has more energy and Colbie has softer and peaceful voice. However, I prefer Colbie's version because I understand the lyrics clearly compared to Jackson 5's version.
-Christine Marquez 9-04
1. I want you back - Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. I hear , Drums, Piano, guitar, bass guitar, cymbals, and vocals
3. It is sung by a small group
4.This song reminds me of all the good times i had
5. This song is about a young man who had an awesome girlfriend but didnt realize it until she was gone now he wants her back
b)because it has an cool beat and meaningful lyrics that are easy to understand
1. I want you back- Colbie Caillat
2. There is, piano, bass guitar, and vocals
3. Sang solo
4. It reminds me of the other song
5. Its about a girl who wants someone back
6. a)sure
b) because its smooth and comforting
7. Both songs were both the same by having the same lyrics. But the jackson 5 version had a faster beat and was sung by a small group and colbie's version was slow and was sung solo.
- Michael Saceda 9-04
1.I want you back-Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2.Instruments that I heard were bass guitar, drums, piano, and voices.
3.Sang by a small group.
4.This songs reminded me off all the happy good moments that happened to my life.
5.This song was about a girl who wants the boy back because he let him go in the first place.
6.b)I like this song because it's catchy and it has nice rhythm.
7.Both songs were the same because they had similar instrument being played and they both have vocals. Difference is that Jackson 5 had a little bit faster beat also performed by a small group and Colbie's song was slower and it was sung solo.
- Carlo Supan 9-04
1. I want you back-Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. The instruments I heard was guitar, drums, pianos, bass, and vocal voice
3. This song is sang by a small group.
4. This song reminds me of good times that happened with my friends and family and jamming out.
5. This song is a bout a guy who wants a girl back.
6.a) yes
b) I like this song because it's a good song for a happy time and the rhythm is good.
7. These to songs are the same because they had the same lyrics and they both have vocals, the difference is there is less instruments and tempo is different.
1. I want you back- Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. The instruments I hear are the drums, bass guitar, piano, vocal voice and the piano
3. This song is sang by a small group.
4. This song reminds me of all the good and fun times that I had with my family, friends and cousins.
5. This song is about a guy who wants his girl back.
6a. Yes
6b. Because the rhythm is really catchy and this song is easy to sing along with.
7. The similarities between the two songs are that they both have the same lyrics but the differences are there are less instruments being played in Colbie's version and the tempo of her version have changed.
- Joseph Terrado 9-05
1. I want you back - Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. The instruments I hear are the drums, bass guitar, piano, vocal voice and the piano
3. This song is sung by a small group.
4. This reminds me of all the happy things in my life
5. This song is about and boy that wants his girl back.
6. Yes i like this song
6a. because this song is catchy and fun to sing along with
7. These two songs are similar but there is less instruments payed in Colbies version and the tempo has changed
- Alex Alfaro
Delete1. I want you back by Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2. The instruments I hear are the voice, guitar, bass, drums, and piano.
3. This song is sung by a small group.
4. This song reminds me of a group of people just having a good time with each other.
5. This song is about a guy who had a girlfriend but let her go for whatever reason then wanted her back.
6.a) yes
b) I like this song because it has a nice tempo, its not to slow nor fast and it still makes me want to dance.
1) I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2) The instruments I hear are the voice, guitar and piano.
3) This song is sung by a small group.
4) This song reminds me more of kind of the same thing as the first song.
5) I think this song has the same meaning to it aswell. About a guy who had a girlfriend then lost her.. then he wanted her back.
6a) Yes, I like this song.
6b) I really like this song because it has a medium slow tempo. Also the tune and lyrics are catchy as well.
7. These two songs are very similar because they had somewhat the same kind of lyrics. The difference between them is that you can hear the instruments in one better than the other and also the tempo is different as well.
1) I Want You Back by Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2) The instruments I hear are voice, drums, piano, and bass guitar.
3) This song is sung by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of people dancing and having fun fooling around.
5) This song is about a guy who realized how much he took his girlfriend for granted and wanted her back.
6a) Yes, I like this song
6b) I like this song because it has a good tempo and beat. Its not too fast, not too slow. Its really catchy and easy to dance along to.
1) I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat
2) The instruments I hear are voice, guitar and piano.
3) This song is sung by a small group.
4) This song reminds me of a more calming scene. something you can relax to and people just sitting around listening.
5) This song is like the other, but instead a girl realizes she took her boyfriend for granted and wants him back.
6a) Yes, I like this song
6b) I really like this song because it has a bit of a slower tempo but its not too slow that'd it would make you fall asleep. Its calming and fun to listen to.
7)Both songs are very similar, just different tempos and Colbie's version is more calming and you can easily identify the instruments being played. The beat is very similar, as well as the lyrics. Both songs were performed greatly.
- Sompong Sana 9-06
1. I Want You Back by Michael Jackson
ReplyDelete2. I hear the drums, the piano, bongos, tambourine, and a bass guitar.
3. It's a solo along with a small group who repeats after him.
4. This song reminds me of Just Dance on Wii. I dance to this song every time I play my Wii.
5. This song is about a guy who wants his girlfriend back.
6a) Yes I do.
6b) It has a catchy beat and it somewhat makes you want to dance because of the tempo and melody.
1. I Want You Back by Colbie Caillat.
2. The instruments I hear are the piano, voice and guitar.
3. The song is sung solo but there is a small group that sings in the backround.
4. This song reminds me of a relaxing moment which someone listens to when they need to calm down.
5. The song is the same meaning as the first but instead, the girl wants her boyfriend back.
6a) Yes I do.
6b) It's relaxing and I like to listening to slow jam songs.
7. Both songs were fairly similar but they had different beats and tempo and the first song used more instruments then the second. The lyrics were similar and both songs were both good to listen to.
-Charisse Ahmad 9-06
1.I Want You Back-Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2.The instruments I heard was a piano,drums,vocals, trombone, and a bass guitar
3.It was a small group
4.This song reminds me of people drinking and dancing
5.This song was about a boy who screwed up his relationship with a girl and the girl left him and the boy wanted her back.
6.a)Yes,I like this song
b)I like this song because its very catchy.
1.I want You Back-Colbie Caillat
2.The instruments I heard was a piano and vocal
3.This is a solo
4.It reminds me of a couple grooving together.
5.This one is kind of opposite. The girl wants the boy back.
6.a)I like this song
b)I like this song because its relaxing.
7.They both have the two same instruments;piano and vocal,but Colbie Caillat's version is more groovy and modern while Jackson 5's version is kinda slower.
1.I Want You Back-Jackson 5
ReplyDelete2.piano,drums,vocals,and cymbals
3.It was sung by a small group
4.This song reminds me of a fun party
5.This song was about a boy who let go of a girl, and after he wants her back again.
6.a)Yes,I like this song
b)I like this song because of the beat
1.I want You Back-Colbie Caillat
2.piano and vocal
4.it doesnt really remind me of anything.
5.The girl wants the boy back.
6.a)I like this song
b)I like this song because of the lyrics.
7.They both have the similar instruments;piano and vocal.
JB Olea
1.I want you back-Jackson 5.
ReplyDelete2.The instruments I heard were bass guitar, drums, piano, and voices.
3.It was sang by a small group.
4.This songs reminds me of the song my grandma used to play when I was little.
5.It was about a boy who has beautiful girlfriend and he let it go now he wants the girl back because he realize how much he love it.
6.a)I dont like this song.
6.b)I dont like this song because this is not the type of song i like and its not catchy for me.
1.I want you back-Colbie Caillat
2.The instruments here are bass guitar, piano, and voices.
3.It was sang by a solo.
4.It reminds me of a background music in a drama sereies.
5.It was about a girl who didnt care about a guy and she let it go now he wants the guy back.
6.a)I like this song.
6.b)I like this song because it was slow and peaceful.
7.The two songs are alike because the instruments that were used are almost the same. It also have same lyric and message.The difference of these two songs were Jackson 5 has more energy and Colbie has softer and peaceful voice. However, I prefer Colbie's version because I understand the lyrics clearly compared to Jackson 5's version.